Learn BigQuery!

Assuming Standard SQL is known, this material aims to provide a path to master SQL in semi-structured nested data.

Enhanced Ecommerce and Product Scope

Product Array

This array contains informations on products themselves, not what exactly happened to these products. The context can be gathered from the field hits.ecommerceAction.action_type which tells whether these products were seen in a product detail view, added to cart, purchased, etc.

There’s one exception to this: If hits.product.isImpression is true then the action_type is overruled! Imagine the following situation: A customer purchased 4 products and now sees the thank-you page. But on this page she also sees a product list with recommendations on what to buy next! How can you possibly track both informations in one hit? You simply add a flag that says: “Hey, this product was seen in a list - it doesn’t belong to whatever the action_type is saying, ok?” And this flag is hits.isImpression. You’ll find an example below.

Field Name Data Type Description
hits.product.isImpression BOOLEAN TRUE if at least one user viewed this product (i.e., at least one impression) when it appeared in the product list.
hits.product.isClick BOOLEAN Whether users clicked this product when it appeared in the product list.
hits.product.customDimensions RECORD This section is populated for all hits containing product scope Custom Dimensions.
hits.product.customDimensions.index INTEGER The product scope Custom Dimensions index.
hits.product.customDimensions.value STRING The product scope Custom Dimensions value.
hits.product.customMetrics RECORD This section is populated for all hits containing product scope Custom Metrics.
hits.product.customMetrics.index INTEGER The product scope Custom Metrics index.
hits.product.customMetrics.value INTEGER The product scope Custom Metrics value.
hits.product.productListName STRING Name of the list in which the product is shown, or in which a click occurred. For example, “Home Page Promotion”, “Also Viewed”, “Recommended For You”, “Search Results List”, etc.
hits.product.productListPosition INTEGER Position of the product in the list in which it is shown.
hits.product RECORD This row and nested fields will be populated for each hit that contains Enhanced Ecommerce PRODUCT data.
hits.product.localProductPrice INTEGER The price of the product in local currency, expressed as the value passed to Analytics multiplied by 10^6 (e.g., 2.40 would be given as 2400000).
hits.product.localProductRefundAmount INTEGER The amount processed as part of a refund for a product in local currency, expressed as the value passed to Analytics multiplied by 10^6 (e.g., 2.40 would be given as 2400000).
hits.product.localProductRevenue INTEGER The revenue of the product in local currency, expressed as the value passed to Analytics multiplied by 10^6 (e.g., 2.40 would be given as 2400000).
hits.product.productBrand STRING The brand associated with the product.
hits.product.productPrice INTEGER The price of the product, expressed as the value passed to Analytics multiplied by 10^6 (e.g., 2.40 would be given as 2400000).
hits.product.productQuantity INTEGER The quantity of the product purchased.
hits.product.productRefundAmount INTEGER The amount processed as part of a refund for a product, expressed as the value passed to Analytics multiplied by 10^6 (e.g., 2.40 would be given as 2400000).
hits.product.productRevenue INTEGER The revenue of the product, expressed as the value passed to Analytics multiplied by 10^6 (e.g., 2.40 would be given as 2400000).
hits.product.productSKU STRING Product SKU.
hits.product.productVariant STRING Product Variant.
hits.product.v2ProductCategory STRING Product Category.
hits.product.v2ProductName STRING Product Name.

Meta Info on Hit Scope

While product gives you information about product specifics, there’s another field that provides you with the actual context of these products. Like, what is happening with them at the moment: are they being bought or just added to the cart?

Field Name Data Type Description
hits.eCommerceAction RECORD This section contains all of the ecommerce hits that occurred during the session. This is a repeated field and has an entry for each hit that was collected.
hits.eCommerceAction.action_type STRING The action type. Click through of product lists = 1, Product detail views = 2, Add product(s) to cart = 3, Remove product(s) from cart = 4, Check out = 5, Completed purchase = 6, Refund of purchase = 7, Checkout options = 8, Unknown = 0.
hits.eCommerceAction.option STRING This field is populated when a checkout option is specified. For example, a shipping option such as option = ‘Fedex’.
hits.eCommerceAction.step INTEGER This field is populated when a checkout step is specified with the hit.

Usually the action type applies to all the products in a hit, with the following exception: when hits.product.isImpression = TRUE, the corresponding product is a product impression that is seen while the product action is taking place (i.e., a ““product in list view””). Example query to calculate number of products in list views:

  COUNT(*) AS listImpressions
  `bigquery-public-data.google_analytics_sample.ga_sessions_20170801` t, t.hits h, h.product p 
  p.isImpression = true

Example query to calculate number of products in detailed view:

  COUNT(*) AS productDetailViews
  `bigquery-public-data.google_analytics_sample.ga_sessions_20170801` t, t.hits h, h.product p 
  p.isImpression is null

Transaction Information

Field Name Data Type Description
hits.transaction RECORD This section is populated for each hit with type = “TRANSACTION”.
hits.transaction.transactionId STRING The transaction ID of the ecommerce transaction.
hits.transaction.transactionRevenue INTEGER Total transaction revenue, expressed as the value passed to Analytics multiplied by 10^6. (e.g., 2.40 would be given as 2400000).
hits.transaction.transactionTax INTEGER Total transaction tax, expressed as the value passed to Analytics multiplied by 10^6. (e.g., 2.40 would be given as 2400000).
hits.transaction.transactionShipping INTEGER Total transaction shipping cost, expressed as the value passed to Analytics multiplied by 10^6. (e.g., 2.40 would be given as 2400000).
hits.transaction.affiliation STRING The affiliate information passed to the ecommerce tracking code.
hits.transaction.currencyCode STRING The local currency code for the transaction.
hits.transaction.localTransactionRevenue INTEGER Total transaction revenue in local currency, expressed as the value passed to Analytics multiplied by 10^6 (e.g., 2.40 would be given as 2400000).
hits.transaction.localTransactionTax INTEGER Total transaction tax in local currency, expressed as the value passed to Analytics multiplied by 10^6 (e.g., 2.40 would be given as 2400000).
hits.transaction.localTransactionShipping INTEGER Total transaction shipping cost in local currency, expressed as the value passed to Analytics multiplied by 10^6 (e.g., 2.40 would be given as 2400000).
hits.transaction.transactionCoupon STRING The coupon code associated with the transaction.