Learn BigQuery!
Assuming Standard SQL is known, this material aims to provide a path to master SQL in semi-structured nested data.
Foundational concepts are:
- turning arrays into row format (and structs into columns)Structs
- mastering them helps using unnestArrays
- mastering them helps using unnestSubqueries + Unnest
- Run SQL on arrays!Flattening
- Join arrays (unnested as rows) with their parent table
Data Invironment: Google Analytics Data
Concepts focus on the data structure, not the possible settings of the tool:
- Session scoped fields
- Hit scoped fields
- Product scoped fields (Enhanced Ecommerce)
- Internal Promotion fields
- tbd …
Data Environment: Firebase Data
Concepts focus on the data structure, not the possible settings of the tool:
- Events and event_params
- tbd …
There plenty of SQL courses out there. You can have a look at and revisit some of its contents if necessary.
Analytical SQL concepts can be categorized roughly as follows (brackets indicate expertise needed for this training):
- Retrieve data from a table (proficient)
- Aggregate Data (proficient)
- Aggregation functions
- Aggregation in combination with Grouping
- Analytical functions with Windows (nice to have)
- Combine tables using Joins and Unions (strong)
- Combinations of all the concepts above (strong)